Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy 11 Months, EK!!

I can't believe that we will be celebrating this little booger's 1st birthday in only one short month. Where has time gone?

We've definitely had a fun time getting to this point. I've seen more personality out of that baby in the last month than I've probably ever seen in another baby. She is a nut, and I say that as lovingly as possible.

She finally said "Mama". It was totally time, my feelings were beginning to be hurt that she adored her daddy so, and I was left in the nameless cold. Just the other day, EK *almost* said "I love you."  It's more of "Iblbubu", but it's close enough to be incredibly sweet.

I hope that she knows I am not always a crazy woman, flying by the seat of my pants. I really hope she hasn't noticed how off I have been lately with the dogs being gone. I need to snap out of it, before she does realize it!

We are up to 8 teeth, and finally made it to our 9 month check up with Dr. Porter. It's better late than never, right?  She had her blood draw out of her arm like a grownup, and didn't even cry. That's right, not a single tear. She knows her mom is a bad-ass nurse and doesn't stand for such things... right?... Oh yeah, she also got her first real scar. It's awesome, and caused by her very own fingernail.

EK has  a lot coming up in the next month- Santa Claus, Christmas, birthday planning, and a few days off with me. I can't wait to see her on her very first Christmas.

Happy 11 months, sweet girl.

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