People are bound to disagree, say things they regret, and even do things they regret. Have you been in that situation lately? The one where you are the person saying and doing things you regret? Things you normally don't do or say? Like, things that are totally out of character for you, and saying/doing it to people that really, deep down mean a lot to you? It's hard to swallow a pill of that size when you get to that level. We've been there. I will say this: It feels good to say you're sorry. I feel like we've been asking for forgiveness from God for a long time, but we needed to personally say it to the people we've wronged in order to get peace of mind.::::::::::::::::two
On a lighter note, I've been completely obsessed with fall clothes for EK. There are a ton of cute outfits on Ebay, and when kids are so little they really only wear things a few times before they outgrow them. I've found some of the most adorable outfits from a seller who just so happens to have a little girl named Ella Kate, too! I keep a running list in Excel of brands that we like, and search for them once or twice a week to find auctions to watch. You can get the nicest stuff for next to nothing, so my wallet stays happy and EK stays well-dressed!
I'm craving some kind of food. I have been for a week. This is usually not an issue, I eat what I want and move on. This time though, I can't figure out what I actually want. Nothing has cured it yet! I don't know if I'm just more hungry because I've exercised a lot this week or what, but I need suggestions before I eat myself into misery and eat up all the calories I've burned off!
I felt compelled to share with my mommy group today- I know how to weld. I like to weld. I wish I could weld crappy yard art for a living, and sell it at Canton or Etsy or something. I feel like I would need crazy red frizzy hair and at least a few tattoos to really do it right, though.
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